The visit

Guided tour

Presentation of the visit

Les Coves de l’Espluga us obren les portes del passat prehistòric de la nostra humanitat i us animen a visitar les diferents comunitats humanes que van conviure en aquest mateix indret fa milers d’anys.

Veniu a visitar-les: sereu espectadors i alhora protagonistes de les seves activitats, de la seva vida i de la nostra evolució com a humans, des del paleolític fins al món iber.

Un guia us acompanyarà durant tot el trajecte, on la cova es presentarà en el seu estat més natural i real.

Les Coves de l’Espluga us obren les portes del passat prehistòric de la nostra humanitat i us animen a visitar les diferents comunitats humanes que van conviure en aquest mateix indret fa milers d’anys.

Veniu a visitar-les: sereu espectadors i alhora protagonistes de les seves activitats, de la seva vida i de la nostra evolució com a humans, des del paleolític fins al món iber.

Un guia us acompanyarà durant tot el trajecte, on la cova es presentarà en el seu estat més natural i real.


To guarantee access to the caves, we recommend the purchase of tickets in advance of the day of the visit in the reservations section.

Visits to the Espluga Caves are always guided and last approximately one hour and 15 minutes.

Usual visiting hours during weekends, holidays and long weekends: 10.30 am, 11.15 am, 12.00 pm, 12.45 pm (Spanish), 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm.

In July and August there are more visits and more in Spanish, please consult the reservations section.

During the week, please consult the reservations section.

Closing days 2024: Mondays (except August and holidays), January 1 and 6, January 9, 10, 11 and 12, December 24, 25, 26 and 31. Holidays closed in the afternoon: April 1, June 24, September 11, November 3 and December 8.


Reception and store opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Mondays closed

August: Every day from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm


Individual admission

10% discount with Youth, UOC or Youth Hostel membership card.



Children: (5 to 14 years old):


Older than 65 years old:


Reduced admission

(large family, single-parent family and duly accredited disabled persons)



Children: (5 to 14 years old):



Children under 5 years old

Entrance for groups

(A group is considered to be a group of at least 25 people accessing the Caves at a paid rate)



Children: (5 to 14 years old):


Children under 5 years old


Adult with disability:


Children with disabilities (5 to 14 years old):




  • The price includes a guided visit to the museum of the Caves of Espluga, the day and time chosen by the user.
  • Visits with limited capacity.
  • The temperature in the Caves ranges between 14 and 16 degrees Celsius with a humidity level of over 90%. This means that although in winter the temperature is very comfortable, in summer it is advisable to bring a jacket, especially for children and the elderly. Footwear and street clothes.


Visits in Catalan.

Weekends, holidays and long weekends visits in Spanish at 12.45h. During July and August or other holiday periods more visits are offered in Spanish. Consult in the reservations section.

Free audioguide service in Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Russian for any of the visits.


  • Accessible for people in wheelchairs or children in strollers.
  • No services are available for people with hearing or vision difficulties.
  • Pets are not allowed, except for duly accredited guide dogs.




  • Tourist information about Espluga de Francolí, Conca de Barberà and the Cistercian Route.
  • Baby changing service.
  • Store with products related to the caves and vending machines.
  • Free public parking area.