The visit

Adventure Route

Presentation of the visit

Per als visitants més agosarats, les Coves de l’Espluga ofereixen una visita més enllà del Museu. Remuntar el riu subterrani per les glaries més insòlites i soprenents d’aquesta cavitat.

Equipats amb un vestit de neoprè, casc i llum, els visitants, acompanyats sempre de dos guies espeleòlegs, s’introdueixen per la part més genuïna de la cova fins arribar a la gran Sala de la Biela

Per als visitants més agosarats, les Coves de l’Espluga ofereixen una visita més enllà del Museu. Remuntar el riu subterrani per les glaries més insòlites i soprenents d’aquesta cavitat.

Equipats amb un vestit de neoprè, casc i llum, els visitants, acompanyats sempre de dos guies espeleòlegs, s’introdueixen per la part més genuïna de la cova fins arribar a la gran Sala de la Biela

During the tour, visitors will learn about the geological formation of this subway cavity, the wells that led to its discovery, the water circuit and the trajectory of the river, the process of filtering and water runoff, the diaclasis and the Lake Gallery, site of Iberian rituals.



Saturday at 4.30 pm.

Minumum 6 people on request.

Tours are available all year round, any day and time of the week and always with prior reservation.

Important: before purchasing coupons for the adventure route, it is necessary to contact the Tourist Office of Espluga de Francolí (telephone: 977 871 220 or e-mail: ) to make a reservation. Once the inscription is confirmed, you will be able to make the purchase on-line.



42€ per person

10% discount for group bookings of 7 to 10 people.
25% discount for group bookings of 11 to 15 people.
Groups of less than 6 people: in case of being less than 6 people it is necessary to pay the full amount or add to another group already formed.

With your reservation of the Adventure Route you can book the free guided visit to the Museum of the Caves.



  • Limited capacity.
  • Route: 900 meters.
  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours (1.5 to 2 hours inside the cave).
  • Maximum water depth: 1.5 m (no submersion required at any point of the route).
  • Water temperature: 12°C
  • Minimum age for the adventure route: 8 years.
  • Equipment provided by Caves of Espluga: Neoprene suit, helmet, and headlamp.
  • To bring: swimsuit, water shoes with a hard sole for water entry, towel, and soap for showering afterward. At the Caves, we have changing rooms and individual shower cabins.
  • Not recommended for people with claustrophobia.