
Adventure route

Per als visitants més agosarats, les Coves de l’Espluga ofereixen una visita més enllà del Museu. Remuntar el riu subterrani per les glaries més insòlites i soprenents d’aquesta cavitat.

Equipats amb un vestit de neoprè, casc i llum, els visitants, acompanyats sempre de dos guies espeleòlegs, s’introdueixen per la part més genuïna de la cova fins arribar a la gran Sala de la Biela

Per als visitants més agosarats, les Coves de l’Espluga ofereixen una visita més enllà del Museu. Remuntar el riu subterrani per les glaries més insòlites i soprenents d’aquesta cavitat.

Equipats amb un vestit de neoprè, casc i llum, els visitants, acompanyats sempre de dos guies espeleòlegs, s’introdueixen per la part més genuïna de la cova fins arribar a la gran Sala de la Biela

This activity is somewhere between leisure and training. Students will discover the most natural and magical part of the Espluga Caves. Equipped with a neoprene suit, helmet and light, accompanied by two caving guides, they will ascend the underground part of the Francolí River for about 900 meters.

During the beautiful journey, and with the presence of water and rock in their most genuine state, they will learn about the geological formation of the Caves, the wells that allowed their discovery, the Lake Gallery, a place for Iberian rituals, the filtration and runoff of the water, diaclasis…

The duration of the Adventure Route is about 3 hours and is aimed at middle school and high school students. It is necessary to bring a swimsuit, old shoes with ties, a towel and soap. At Les Coves we have changing rooms for men and women and individual shower cabins.


The duration of the Adventure Route is about 3 hours

Visita / ActivitatEdatTempsPreu
"Adventure Route in the Caves of l'Espluga"Over 12 years36,50€*

The price includes the monitor.

If the school hires three activities in Espluga de Francolí will enjoy a 10% discount.

Minimum 10 students. If the group consists of more than 30 students, it will be necessary to enter in 2 or more shifts.

The temperature in the caves is the same throughout the year: between 14 and 17 degrees. In spring/summer it is advisable to bring a jacket.


The adventure route is not wheelchair accessible.


All activities are guided. At the time of booking, the school can choose the language of the visit: Catalan or Spanish.

Changing room

Baby changing service


Store with products related to the Caves and vending machines.


Free public parking area

Leisure area

Leisure area 100 meters from Les Coves with tables and benches and toilets.