
Guided tour

Les Coves de l’Espluga us obren les portes del passat prehistòric de la nostra humanitat i us animen a visitar les diferents comunitats humanes que van conviure en aquest mateix indret fa milers d’anys.

Veniu a visitar-les: sereu espectadors i alhora protagonistes de les seves activitats, de la seva vida i de la nostra evolució com a humans, des del paleolític fins al món iber.

Un guia us acompanyarà durant tot el trajecte, on la cova es presentarà en el seu estat més natural i real.

Les Coves de l’Espluga us obren les portes del passat prehistòric de la nostra humanitat i us animen a visitar les diferents comunitats humanes que van conviure en aquest mateix indret fa milers d’anys.

Veniu a visitar-les: sereu espectadors i alhora protagonistes de les seves activitats, de la seva vida i de la nostra evolució com a humans, des del paleolític fins al món iber.

Un guia us acompanyarà durant tot el trajecte, on la cova es presentarà en el seu estat més natural i real.

The Espluga Caves will open their doors and we will accompany you on a tour during which you will learn about the different human communities that lived in this same place thousands of years ago.

You will be front row spectators and will become the protagonists of stories that start in the Paleolithic and reach the Iberian world. You will live with our ancestors, in the same habitat, and this will make it easier to understand the life and work of the people we once were and still are today.

A tour that will be very understandable thanks to different audiovisuals, virtual realities, representations with life-size figures and a set of Neolithic huts at the end of the visit.

The duration of the visit is 1:15 hours. The tour is 600 meters long, without any slope.

It is necessary to book in advance, by phone or e-mail.

As a complement to the visit to the Caves of l’Espluga, the students of the infantile and primary cycles can make the Prehistory Workshop; (Enlazar) and the students of secondary and high school have the Archaeological Excavation Workshop.

In the field of nature and adventure, the Coves de l’Espluga offers an initiation to speleology through the subway river. In addition, the other museums of Espluga de Francolí, such as the Museum of Rural Life or the Fassina Balanyà Museum, offer a wide range of school activities.


To guarantee access to the caves, we recommend the purchase of tickets in advance of the day of the visit in the reservations section.

Visits to the Espluga Caves are always guided and last approximately one hour and 15 minutes.

The capacity is limited.

To guarantee access to the caves and workshops, reservations must be made in advance of the day of the visit in the reservations section.

Visita / Activitat Edat Temps Preu
Guided visit All cycles 1.15 h 4,50€

The price includes the monitor.

If the school hires three activities in Espluga de Francolí will enjoy a 10% discount.

If the group consists of more than 32 students, it will be necessary to enter in 2 or more shifts.

The temperature in Les Coves is the same throughout the year: between 14 and 17 degrees. In spring/summer it is advisable to bring a jacket.



The Caves are accessible to wheelchair users. External weather conditions do not affect the visit.La


Visits are guided. At the time of booking, the school can choose the language of the visit: Catalan or Spanish. Or audio-visuals in Spanish, French or English.

Changing room

Baby changing service


Cave-related products store and self-service vending machines.


Free public parking area

Leisure area

Leisure area 100 meters from the Caves with toilets, tables and covered.